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Buds & Beats offers an opportunity, for both kids and parents alike, to play, sing, laugh, and make friends, in a fun and relaxed environment.

Buds & Beats was created as an easy, fun and interactive class for parents and kids. The weekly 45 minute program features crafts, activities, games, songs, homemade instruments, and more, that will encourage children to explore creativity and develop a love of music.


The program was designed with the idea that parents and kids could go home and replicate everything used in the class. If an instrument is played in class and the child loves it, with very little time, effort, and money, the parent can make the same instrument at home with their child.


Buds & Beats is unique in that we are focused on the interactions that take place in the class between children, parents and children, and with other parents. These connections produce a fun and relaxed environment that allows kids to learn with each other and create music together.





Becky began her musical journey as a toddler, singing solos and duets with her sister in church. Through private lessons and involvement in school, community, church music programs, and throughout college she continued her musical training on violin, piano, and voice.


Becky has served alongside her husband as a Music Pastor for over 15 years and has taught private music lessons for over 20 years. She has three beautiful and talented daughters that continue the musical legacy of her family.


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